Cacao Essential Oil – A Decadent Oil with Superfood Benefits

Cacao, the foremost ingredient in high-end chocolate, is a decadent essential oil that is classified as a superfood thanks to the range of health benefits this yummy elixir offers.

Cacao essential oil is made from the seeds of the cacao plant, which is native to Central and South America, where it thrives in the tropical climate and has earned the nickname “food of the gods” for its mind-body benefits.


There are three different types of cacao: Criollo (ours), the most valuable of the strains; Forastero, a bitter, more common strain; and Trinitario, a hybrid of the two, which has a fruity scent without the bitterness of most readily-available cacao.

Cacao differs from cocoa butter and cocoa powder because it is extracted from the raw, unroasted bean, which means that the oil contains all the nutrients the bean has to offer, unadulterated by heat or other treatment methods. Cacao is especially beneficial because it works in synergy with other essential oils, enhancing and amplifying the benefits they have to offer.

Chemical Properties

There are many beneficial nutrients in cacao that absolutely earns it its place as a superfood.

It is packed with vitamins, especially those in the B family including riboflavin and niacin, as well as vitamins A, C, E, and K, and is a good source of minerals including magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, selenium, potassium, and zinc.

Uses for Cocoa Essential Oil

Acts as an Antioxidant

According to natural health expert David Wolfe, cacao has more antioxidants than any other food on earth. “Cacao is 30 times higher in antioxidants than red wine, 20 times more potent in antioxidants than blueberries, three times higher than acai, and twice as much as Chaga mushrooms. These antioxidants protect our cells from free radical damage and therefore contribute to our longevity and state of well-being,” he said.

Reduces Inflammation

While inflammation is critical to the healing of wounds, when inflammation is out of control, it can lead to a wide range of health problems. The polyphenols in cacao, however, can help prevent unhealthy inflammation from occurring.

Maintains Heart Health

The polyphenols in cacao have been shown to have positive cardiovascular benefits, especially preventing arteriosclerosis by helping keep blood vessels pliable and supple, so blood flows more smoothly to and from the heart.

Cacao has also been shown to help dissolve plaque that builds up along cell walls.

Maintains Healthy Blood Pressure

In addition to keeping blood vessels pliable and relaxed, cacao contains compounds including flavonoids that help lower blood pressure, according to a 2007 study appearing in the Journal of the American Medical Association. 10

Increases Libido

The compounds anandamide and phenylethylamine cause the release of dopamine in the brain, which boosts libido.11

Improves Appearance of Skin

The flavonoids in cacao can take on free radicals that target delicate skin cells, resulting in sagging skin with fine lines and wrinkles. Free radicals can also rob skin of its youthful glow, but the antioxidants in cacao can help repair the damaged cells, protecting the proteins collagen and elastin that make up the skin’s structural layer.

Improves Cognitive Function

Italian researchers found that the consumption of the flavanols in cacao helped improve attention span, memory, and brain function in a 2015 study appearing in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Cacao also helps improve blood flow, so more blood and oxygen are pumped to brain tissue.

Cacao essential oil can be used in aromatherapy, in perfume when mixed with complementary essential oils, in a lip balm or body butter, or in a warm bath.


So, if you´re wondering, why my cup has oil? Don´t worry, actually you´re having an autentic product made with cacao and coffee. Make sure this will give you great benefits to your health. 



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